
Introduction to *** raising equipment - feeding equipment

2019-04-18  From: Qingzhou Fuhua Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. Browsing times:2301

In the raising and management of chickens, feeding consumes a large amount of labor. Therefore, large mechanized chicken farm to improve labor efficiency, the use of mechanical feeding system. The feeding equipment includes four parts: the storage tower, the feeder, the feeder and the feeder. A storage tower is placed at one end or side of a chicken coop to store feed for the chickens of the coop. It's 1 thick. It is made of 5 mm galvanized steel sheet. The upper part is cylindrical and the lower part is conical. The Angle between the conical and the horizontal surface should be more than 60 to facilitate the discharge.

A certain number of vent holes were opened on the side of the tower cover to discharge various gases and heat generated during the storage of the feed. Silage tower is general diameter is small, tower body is taller, when feed moisture content exceeds 13%, store time to exceed 2 days later, the feed inside silage tower can appear "arch" phenomenon, make feed build on stilts, not easy eduction. Therefore, the arch breaking device needs to be installed in the storage tower. The storage tower is mainly used in large mechanized chicken farm. When feeding, the feeder will send the feed to the feeder in the chicken coop, and then the feeder will send the feed to the trough for the chickens to feed. The commonly used material conveyors are screw conveyors, whose blades are integrated and of high production efficiency. However, they can only be used for straight line conveying and the conveying distance cannot be too long.

Therefore, the feed from the storage tower to the feeding machine, need to be divided into two sections, using two screw conveyor. One tilts the feed to a certain height and then the other transports it horizontally to the feeder. The plunger type feeder and the helical spring type feeder can feed in the elbow pipe, so the feed can be sent directly from the bottom of the storage tower to the feeder without having to be divided into two sections. The feeder is used to dispense feed to the trough. The commonly used feeder is plug type, chain type, spiral spring type, crown car type and rail car type.

Keywords: Introduction to chicken           

Qingzhou Fuhua Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.,Main Product A battery system Automatic poultry feeding system Environmental control system Accessories for breeding equipment And other business,Interested customers please contact us,Phone:0536-3821096

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