
How to choose equipment of breed *** tit type drinking water implement

2019-04-18  From: Qingzhou Fuhua Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. Browsing times:1005

Water fountain is indispensable to farm ***s drinking water equipment, water fountain type is more common in farms now nipple drinking fountains, so in recent years, manufacturer of nipple type water fountain is much also, but the product of each manufacturer in terms of material is different, so the farmers how to choose and buy to buy quality and cheap equipment, poultry equipment manufacturer to discuss.

1. The farmers should determine the performance of the nipple drinking fountain by the type of ***s. Open valve force of 40 grams or so, suitable for adult ***s, open valve force of 10 grams or so, chicks, ***s can be used.

2. Choose and buy products from manufacturers with regular *** service and after-sales service;

3. Inspect product quality. Most of our drinking water manufacturers are designed with gaskets,The intrinsic quality of the gasket is a critical issue. Quite a few manufacturers use rubber to make, this kind of cushion has half an year to control commonly, can become soft in summer high temperature environment and stick on sealing mouth, cause water supply inadequacy to do not give water even. Winter is too cold when harden, easy ageing, often leak, such product can bring many trouble to the user, the method that checks gasket quality is very simple, use water firewood or hit phmatitis machine to burn, where the surface becomes sticky cannot use.

As for the installation of nipple drinking fountain, it is mainly in two forms at present, one is installed above the cage, the other is installed in front of the cage, above the trough. The droppings in front of the cage are kept in the trough to keep the *** droppings dry and easy to ***, but the feed under the drinking fountain is soaked. The installation of nipple drinking water must be standardized, otherwise it is easy to cause the problem of uneven water supply. Nipple type drinking water should be immediately after the installation of water, the reason is just installed drinking water, *** feel fresh, with the beak to peck, the result of a peck out of water, it formed a conditioned reflex, thirsty to peck. If they are not given water in time, the ***s will not peck at anything, and they will not drink the water they are given. In addition, ***s can not use water fountain within 20 days after beak breaking, because beak pain, dare not peck.

Keywords: water implement           

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