
Common trouble shooting of *** raising equipment waterline and material line

2019-04-18  From: Qingzhou Fuhua Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. Browsing times:1394

In general adopt the breeding or *** ***, *** equipment water line is a basic material, the more important of equipment, so, if the waterline *** *** line problems will threaten the health of ***s grow, so the farmers must be reasonable and scientific using *** line equipment, the failure in time and solve, poultry equipment manufacturer for big shanghaiyijia machinery is below the waterline ***line common troubleshooting methods.

A common faults: *** line motor does not work: the problems, to check whether there is a motor burned, motor above the power cord from the control cabinet can be unloaded, separate to the total power supply, check whether the motor is running, if the motor running, that is a question of control cabinet inside, can check whether the control cabinet inside contactor work normally, line contact presence of loose, if the motor is not running, check the wires with and without fracture, if the wires are intact, for sure, it's a way to prove that is the problem of the machine, maintenance of motor will be needed.

Common fault 2: line and material line wringer problem: material line and material line wringer must not reverse, if the operation of the wringer will be twisted off or will be out of the wringer inside the material tube. If the cutter breaks, the user contacts the manufacturer for quick replacement or welding of the cutter.

Common faults 3: lifting system of water line: lifting system plays a key role in the whole equipment of water line. If there is a problem in the lifting system, the lifting line will not be raised to the height it should be, which will affect *** feeding.

Keywords: material line           

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