
The reason why the draught fan of the *** raising equipment is not refrigerated

2019-04-18  From: Qingzhou Fuhua Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. Browsing times:1702

Farmers use wet curtain fan *** equipment is to be able to give tunnel ventilation cooling, henhouse to adjust to a comfortable environment, but if the farmers in the process of use, do not pay attention to the correct method of use and other issues, will result in equipment failure, like the phenomenon of refrigeration, can affect the growth of the ***s, below small make up just to list a few cause not refrigeration equipment and solutions, for farmers to reference.

1. The reason for the unrefrigeration may be that the water level of the fan wet curtain equipment of farmers is low and the float ball valve is not adjusted properly. It is recommended that farmers should adjust the water level to around 80-100.

2. The drain valve is stuck. If the raiser has this fault in the process of using the fan wet curtain, the solution is to change the drain valve.

3, filter water distributor block: filter water distributor is more prone to congestion, timely cleaning is important, can prevent the occurrence of congestion.

4, dirty: cold fan filter screen long-term use, hard to avoid dirty, if too dirty must be timely cleaning.

5. Blockage of water pipes: unclear water quality is likely to cause such problems. Timely cleaning, farmers can choose to clean after ventilation and cooling every day, which can extend its service life.

6, water pump burned: it is used in wet curtain fan device in the serious problem, also led directly to the cooling problem, farmers if check out water pump is burned cause, farmers should be timely replaced at this time, also for periodic testing of the in common use, the incidence of such can derate fault.

Keywords: not refrigerated           

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